Indonesia Becomes Part of the Top 10 Manufacturing Countries in the World
Indonesia enters the top 10 list of contributors to global manufacturing products, being the sole ASEAN country on the list released by According to the publication, Indonesia contributes 1.4 percent to the global manufacturing output. This prestigious position is a significant increase, because four years ago, Indonesia was still in 16th position. “This rise signifies a notable achievement as we secure our spot in the top 10 this year. Indonesia stands as the largest manufacturing powerhouse in ASEAN,” stated Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta on Thursday (21/12).
The Minister emphasized that this ranking improvement indicates the manufacturing sector’s multiplier effect on other industries. As industrial output increases, sectors such as transportation, energy, agriculture, plantations, and maritime, which serve as sources of raw materials and input factors for manufacturing, also witness growth.
Indonesia’s position in the global manufacturing landscape is reinforced by the continually rising industrial output from 2020 to September 2023. The industrial output value was recorded at USD 210.4 billion in 2020, increased to USD 228.32 billion in 2021, and further escalated to USD 241.87 billion in 2022. As of September 2023, the industrial output value has reached approximately USD 192.54 billion. The increasing competitiveness of the industrial sector in Indonesia is also supported by investment realization, both from Domestic Investment and Foreign Investment. Investment in the manufacturing industry sector continues to show an increase, from IDR 213.4 trillion in 2020, to IDR 307.6 trillion in 2021, then reaching IDR 457.6 trillion in 2022. “In January to September 2023, investment in the manufacturing sector was recorded at IDR 413 trillion. ,” explained the Minister of Industry.
Manufacturing industrial products have also been proven to penetrate the export market, as shown by the dominance of the manufacturing industrial sector for Indonesian exports in total. Manufacturing industry exports, which in 2020 were recorded at USD 131.09 billion, increased to USD 177.2 billion in 2021. In 2022, the export for this sector reached USD 206.06 billion or an increase of 16.29 percent from the previous year’s achievement. Meanwhile, from January to November 2023, the figure reached USD171.23 billion.
The productivity of the manufacturing sector has also succeeded in opening up job opportunities. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of workers in this sector was 17.49 million, then gradually increased to 18.19 million in 2021 and 18.90 million in 2022. Most recently, Sakernas data for August 2023 shows the number of workers in the industrial sector non-oil and gas processing in amount of 19.29 million workers. The brilliant performance of Indonesia’s manufacturing sector, even in the midst of an unstable global economy, it can maintain the perception of industrial actors regarding their business conditions. This is shown by the Indonesian Manufacturing Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI), which for 27 consecutive months continues to be at an expansion level. “This shows the stable condition of Indonesia’s manufacturing sector. Until now, there are only two countries in the world, India and Indonesia, which are in this position,” explained Agus.
The Ministry of Industry has the task of developing the country through industry as mandated in the National Industrial Policy which is oriented towards equality, distribution and growth. “Industrial development must have a positive impact on society and contribute significantly to the growth of the Indonesian economy nationally,” he said.
The government is currently promoting the spirit of downstream industry in the country, which is an important factor that greatly influences Indonesia’s resilience and economic growth. The focus of industrial downstream policy is on three sectors, there are agro-based industry, mining and mineral materials, as well as oil and gas and coal. “Through this policy, our abundant resources will not only be extracted and exported in raw form, but also encouraged to be processed to create thousands of derivative industries that increase added value,” said Agus.
Other attempts are undertaken to maintain industrial sector productivity include adding commodities to the commodity balance. This is to guarantee the supply of raw materials and auxiliary materials, as well as support added value and downstream within the country.
Then, ensure that the implementation of the Certain Natural Gas Price policy for industry continues to run well, because this policy has been proven to increase industrial efficiency, especially in operational costs. Furthermore, intensify attempts to increase the use of domestic products.
The Ministry of Industry also runs programs including vocational education and training programs, Indonesia 4.0 program making, added value and industrial competitiveness programs, as well as restructuring industrial machinery and equipment to carry out industrial revitalization. “The Ministry of Industry also continues to encourage the growth and development of new entrepreneurs to raise the class of SMEs by utilizing digital technology,” concluded the Minister of Industry.
Indonesia Jadi Bagian 10 Besar Negara Manufaktur di Dunia
Indonesia masuk dalam 10 besar penyumbang produk manufaktur dunia, sekaligus satu-satunya negara ASEAN di daftar yang dikeluarkan oleh Berdasarkan publikasi tersebut, Indonesia berkontribusi sebesar 1,4 persen kepada produk manufaktur global. Posisi prestisius ini merupakan kenaikan yang berarti, karena pada empat tahun yang lalu, Indonesia masih berada di posisi 16.
“Ini merupakan kenaikan tingkat, karena pada tahun ini kita masuk dalam kategori 10 besar. Indonesia merupakan powerhouse manufaktur terbesar di ASEAN,” ujar Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita di Jakarta, Kamis (21/12).
Menurut Menperin, kenaikan peringkat tersebut juga menandakan bahwa sektor manufaktur memberikan multiplier effect kepada sektor lainnya. Sebagai gambaran, dengan meningkatnya output industri, sektor transportasi juga akan meningkat, demikian juga dengan sektor energi, pertanian, perkebunan, dan kelautan yang merupakan sumber-sumber bahan baku dan faktor-faktor input produksi bagi sektor manufaktur.
Posisi Indonesia di jajaran manufaktur dunia diperkuat oleh nilai output industri yang terus meningkat pada periode 2020 hingga September 2023. Di 2020, nilai output industri tercatat USD210,4 Miliar, meningkat ke USD228,32 Miliar pada 2021, dan kembali meningkat sebesar USD241,87 Miliar di tahun 2022. Sementara, hingga September 2023, nilai output industri telah mencapai sekitar USD192,54 Miliar.
Meningkatnya daya saing sektor industri di Indonesia juga didukung oleh realisasi investasi, baik dari Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) maupun Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA). Investasi di sektor industri manufaktur terus menunjukkan peningkatan, dari Rp213,4 Triliun pada 2020, menjadi Rp307,6 Triliun di 2021, kemudian mencapai Rp457,6 Triliun pada 2022. “Pada Januari hingga September 2023, investasi di sektor manufaktur telah tercatat hingga Rp413 Triliun,” jelas Menperin.
Produk industri manufaktur juga terbukti merambah pasar ekspor, ditunjukkan oleh dominasi sektor industri manufaktur pada total ekspor Indonesia. Ekspor industri manufaktur yang pada 2020 tercatat sebesar USD131,09 Miliar, meningkat menjadi USD177,2 Miliar pada 2021. Di tahun 2022, angka ekspor sektor ini mencapai USD206,06 Miliar atau meningkat 16,29 persen dari capaian di tahun sebelumnya. Sedangkan pada Januari hingga November 2023, angkanya mencapai USD171,23 Miliar.
Produktivitas sektor manufaktur juga berhasil membuka semakin banyak lapangan kerja. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, jumlah tenaga kerja di sektor ini sebanyak 17,49 juta, kemudian berangsur naik menjadi 18,19 juta di tahun 2021 dan 18,90 juta pada 2022. Terbaru, data Sakernas Agustus 2023 menunjukkan jumlah tenaga kerja sektor industri pengolahan nonmigas sejumlah 19,29 juta pekerja.
Kinerja sektor manufaktur Indonesia yang gemilang, meskipun di tengah perekonomian global yang belum kunjung stabil, dapat menjaga persepsi para pelaku industri mengenai kondisi usahanya. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) Manufaktur Indonesia yang selama 27 bulan berturut-turut terus berada di level ekspansi. “Ini menunjukkan kondisi sektor manufaktur Indonesia yang stabil. Hingga saat ini, hanya ada dua negara di dunia, yaitu India dan Indonesia, yang berada dalam posisi ini,” jelas Agus.
Kementerian Perindustrian mengemban tugas untuk membangun negeri melalui industri sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Kebijakan Industri Nasional yang berorientasi pada pemerataan, persebaran, dan pertumbuhan. “Pembangunan industri harus memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat serta secara nasional berkontribusi signifikan dalam pertumbuhan perekonomian negara Indonesia,” tegasnya.
Pemerintah saat ini tengah menggalakkan semangat hilirisasi industri di dalam negeri, yang merupakan faktor penting yang sangat berpengaruh pada resiliensi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Fokus kebijakan hilirisasi industri berada pada tiga sektor, yakni industri berbasis agro, bahan tambang dan mineral, serta migas dan batubara. “Melalui kebijakan ini, sumber daya kita yang melimpah tidak hanya akan diambil dan diekspor dalam bentuk mentah, tetapi juga didorong untuk diolah menciptakan ribuan industri turunan yang meningkatkan nilai tambah,” kata Agus.
Upaya lain yang dijalankan untuk menjaga produktivitas sektor industri antara lain melalui penambahan komoditas untuk neraca komoditas. Hal ini untuk menjamin pasokan bahan baku dan bahan penolong, serta mendukung nilai tambah dan hilirisasi di dalam negeri.
Kemudian, memastikan pelaksanaan kebijakan Harga Gas Bumi Tertentu (HGBT) untuk industri terus berjalan dengan baik, karena kebijakan ini telah terbukti meningkatkan efisiensi industri, terutama pada biaya operasional. Selanjutnya mengintensifkan upaya peningkatan penggunaan produk dalam negeri (P3DN).
Kemenperin juga menjalankan program-program antara lain program pendidikan dan pelatihan vokasi, program Making Indonesia 4.0, program nilai tambah dan daya saing industri, serta restrukturisasi mesin dan peralatan industri untuk melakukan revitalisasi industri. “Kemenperin juga terus mendorong penumbuhan dan pengembangan wirausaha baru untuk menaikkan kelas IKM dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital,” pungkas Menperin.
INAPA Still Proved as a Leading Marketplace for Automotive Industry in ASEAN
The 11th edition of annual INAPA has warmly welcomed 1.048 exhibitors from 34 countries which background from transportation sector. There were 20.502 interactions from 28 countries. The statistic has shown that INAPA become the most comprehensive exhibition in Southeast Asia, especially in automotive aftermarket and OEM industry and it’s has been proved with the enthusiasm of the exhibitors and visitors.
INAPA 2024 will take place from May 15 – 17, 2024 at Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO) Kemayoran, Jakarta – Indonesia. As the influential automotive show in Indonesia. INAPA 2024 will be held together with INABIKE, Tyre & Rubber Indonesia, and Lube Indonesia. The show will feature a full spectrum of product and service for spare part, accessories, bus, truck, bike, fastener, tyre, lubricant, grease and electric vehicle platform that show complete convergence of technologies and products through value chain.