The Government’s Efforts to Make Indonesia become a Major Player in the Electric Vehicle Industry

The government continues to accelerate the development of electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. Some efforts have been made through the preparation an EV development roadmap, the provision of various incentives, to the development of EV ecosystem in Indonesia.

The transportation equipment industry is a priority in the 2015-2035 National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN). “Indonesia has established a roadmap for EV development through Minister of Industry with the Regulation Number 27 of 2020 concerning Technical Specifications, EV Roadmap, and Calculation of Local Content Levels,” said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/7).

Furthermore, as an effort to encourage Indonesia to become a major player in the EV industry, the government created an EV ecosystem by involving stakeholders consisting of producers, battery producers, pilot projects, consumers, and infrastructure such as charging stations and pilot projects.

The government has set a roadmap for EV development until 2030. The target is that EV production in 2030 can reach 600 thousand units for four wheels or more, and for two wheels it can reach up to 2.45 million units. “With the production of electric vehicles, it is expected to be able to reduce CO2 emissions by 2.7 million tons for four wheels or more and by 1.1 million tons for two wheels,” said the Minister of Industry. In the roadmap, it is estimated that the purchase of electric vehicles for four wheels will reach Rp. 132,983 units, while for two-wheeled electric vehicles it will reach 398,530 units.

Furthermore, to accelerate the popularization of the use of EVs, the government will set regulations on the roadmap for purchasing EVs in government agencies. In addition, the government provides various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for EV consumers, such as the imposition of a Luxury Goods Value Added Tax of 0% PPnBM through Government Regulation No. for Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KBL-BB) in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through Governor Regulation no. 3/2020.

The Minister of Industry added that one of the results of the meeting between the Ministry of Industry and the principals of the automotive industry in Japan in March 2021 was the achievement of a new investment commitment from Toyota Motor Corporation of Rp. 28.3 trillion in 2024.

Furthermore, Honda Motor Company is committed to investment of Rp. 5.2 trillion until 2024, Suzuki Motor Corporation of Rp. 1.2 trillion, and Mitsubishi Motor Corporation of Rp. 11.2 trillion by 2024. “This shows that Indonesia is still the main destination country for investors in developing the motor vehicle industry,” he said.

The Minister of Industry added, battery will become the most important component in EV which represents 35% of the cost of manufacture. In this case, the Indonesian manufacturing sector has the advantage of producing batteries made of nickel-based Lithium Ion Batteries. “Indonesia has the largest nickel reserves globally,” said the Minister of Industry. 

The Minister of Industry said that currently there are 9 companies supporting battery industry. In addition, there are five companies providing battery raw materials consisting of pure nickel, pure cobalt, ferrous nickel, mixed hydroxide precipitates, and others. Then, four companies are battery manufacturers. ” Indonesia is able to support battery supply chain for electric vehicles starting from raw materials, refineries, battery cell manufacturing and battery assembly, EV manufacturing, to EV recycling,” he added

Pemerintah terus mengakselerasi pengembangan electric vehicle (EV) atau kendaraan listrik di tanah air. Sederet upaya dilakukan,antara lain melalui penyusunan peta jalan pengembangan EV, pemberian berbagai insentif, hinggapengembangan ekosistem EV di Indonesia.

Industri alat transportasi menjadi prioritas dalam Rencana Induk Pembangunan Industri Nasional (RIPIN) 2015-2035. “Indonesia telah menetapkan roadmap atau peta jalan pengembangan EV melalui Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor 27 Tahun 2020 tentang Spesifikasi Teknis, Roadmap EV, dan Perhitungan Tingkat Kandungan Lokal,” kata Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita di Jakarta, Rabu (14/7).

Selanjutnya, sebagai upaya mendorong Indonesia menjadi pemain utama dalam industri EV, pemerintah menciptakan ekosistem EV dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan yang terdiri dari produsen, produsen baterai, pilot project, konsumen, dan infrastruktur seperti charging station, dan pilot project.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan roadmap pengembangan EV hingga 2030. Targetnya, produksi EV pada 2030 dapat mencapai 600 ribu unit untuk roda empat atau lebih, dan untuk roda dua dapat mencapai hingga 2,45 juta unit. “Dengan diproduksinya kendaraan listrik, diharapkan mampu menurunkan emisi CO2 sebesar 2,7 juta ton untuk roda empat atau lebih dan sebesar 1,1 juta ton untuk roda dua,” ucap Menperin.Dalam roadmap tersebut, diperkirakan pembelian kendaraan listrik untuk roda empat akan mencapai 132.983 unit, sedangkan untuk kendaraan listrik roda dua akan mencapai 398.530 unit.

Selanjutnya untuk mempercepat popularisasi penggunaan EV, pemerintah akan menetapkan peraturan tentang roadmap pembelian EV di instansi pemerintahan. Selain itu, pemerintah memberikan berbagai insentif fiskal dan non-fiskal bagi konsumen EV, seperti pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Mewah PPnBM sebesar 0% melalui Peraturan Pemerintah No 74/2021, pajak atas penyerahan hak milik kendaraan bermotor (BBN-KB) sebesar 0% untuk Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai (KBL-BB) di Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta melalui Peraturan Gubernur No. 3/2020.

Menperin menambahkan, salah satu hasil dari pertemuan antara Kementerian Perindustrian dengan para prinsipal industri otomotif di Jepang pada Maret 2021 adalah tercapainya komitmen investasi baru dari Toyota Motor Corporation sebesar Rp28,3 triliun pada 2024.

Selanjutnya, Honda Motor Company berkomitmen investasi sebesar Rp5,2 triliun hingga 2024, Suzuki Motor Corporation sebesar Rp1,2 triliun, dan Mitsubishi Motor Corporation sebesar Rp11,2 triliun sampai tahun 2024. “Hal ini menunjukan Indonesia masih menjadi negara tujuan utama investor dalam pengembangan industri kendaraan bermotor,” paparnya.

Menperin menambahkan, baterai akan menjadi komponen paling penting dalam EV yang mewakili 35% dari biaya pembuatannya. Dalam hal ini, sektor manufaktur Indonesia memiliki keunggulan untuk memproduksi baterai yang terbuat dari Baterai Lithium Ion berbasis nikel. “Indonesia memiliki sumber daya berupa cadangan nikel terbesar secara global,” sebut Menperin.

Menperin menyebutkan, saat ini ada sembilan perusahaan yang mendukung industri baterai. Selain itu, ada lima  perusahaan penyedia bahan baku baterai terdiri dari nikel murni , kobalt murni , ferro nikel, endapan hidroksida campuran, dan lain-lain. Kemudian, empat perusahaan adalah produsen baterai. “Dengan demikian, Indonesia mampu mendukung rantai pasokan baterai untuk kendaraan listrik mulai dari bahan baku, kilang, manufaktur sel baterai dan perakitan baterai, manufaktur EV, hingga daur ulang EV,” imbuhnya.

error: no need to do that :-)